Source code for rf.util

# Copyright 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld, MIT license
Utility functions and classes for receiver function calculation.
import collections
import inspect
import itertools
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from decorator import decorator
import numpy as np

DEG2KM = 111.2  #: Conversion factor from degrees epicentral distance to km

def _get_stations(inventory):
    channels = inventory.get_contents()['channels']
    stations = {ch[:-1] + '?': ch[-1] for ch in channels}
    return stations

[docs] def iter_event_data(events, inventory, get_waveforms, phase='P', request_window=None, pad=10, pbar=None, **kwargs): """ Return iterator yielding three component streams per station and event. :param events: list of events or `~obspy.core.event.Catalog` instance :param inventory: `~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` instance with station and channel information :param get_waveforms: Function returning the data. It has to take the arguments network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime. :param phase: Considered phase, e.g. 'P', 'S', 'PP' :type request_window: tuple (start, end) :param request_window: requested time window around the onset of the phase :param float pad: add specified time in seconds to request window and trim afterwards again :param pbar: tqdm_ instance for displaying a progressbar :param kwargs: all other kwargs are passed to `~rf.rfstream.rfstats()` :return: three component streams with raw data Example usage with progressbar:: from tqdm import tqdm from rf.util import iter_event_data with tqdm() as t: for stream3c in iter_event_data(*args, pbar=t): do_something(stream3c) .. _tqdm: """ from rf.rfstream import rfstats, RFStream method = phase[-1].upper() if request_window is None: request_window = (-50, 150) if method == 'P' else (-100, 50) stations = _get_stations(inventory) if pbar is not None: = len(events) * len(stations) for event, seedid in itertools.product(events, stations): if pbar is not None: pbar.update(1) origin_time = (event.preferred_origin() or[0])['time'] try: args = (seedid[:-1] + stations[seedid], origin_time) coords = inventory.get_coordinates(*args) except Exception: # station not available at that time continue try: stats = rfstats(station=coords, event=event, phase=phase, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: from warnings import warn warn('Error "%s" in rfstats call for event %s, station %s.' % (ex, event.resource_id, seedid)) continue if not stats: continue net, sta, loc, cha = seedid.split('.') starttime = stats.onset + request_window[0] endtime = stats.onset + request_window[1] kws = {'network': net, 'station': sta, 'location': loc, 'channel': cha, 'starttime': starttime - pad, 'endtime': endtime + pad} try: stream = get_waveforms(**kws) except Exception: # no data available continue stream.trim(starttime, endtime) stream.merge() if len(stream) != 3: from warnings import warn warn('Need 3 component seismograms. %d components ' 'detected for event %s, station %s.' % (len(stream), event.resource_id, seedid)) continue if any(isinstance(, for tr in stream): from warnings import warn warn('Gaps or overlaps detected for event %s, station %s.' % (event.resource_id, seedid)) continue for tr in stream: tr.stats.update(stats) yield RFStream(stream)
[docs] def iter_event_metadata(events, inventory, pbar=None): """ Return iterator yielding metadata per station and event. :param events: list of events or `~obspy.core.event.Catalog` instance :param inventory: `~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` instance with station and channel information :param pbar: tqdm_ instance for displaying a progressbar """ stations = _get_stations(inventory) if events is None: events = [None] if pbar is not None: = len(events) * len(stations) for event, seedid in itertools.product(events, stations): if pbar is not None: pbar.update(1) net, sta, loc, cha = seedid.split('.') meta = {'network': net, 'station': sta, 'location': loc, 'channel': cha} if event is not None: ot = (event.preferred_origin() or[0])['time'] meta['event_time'] = ot yield meta
[docs] class IterMultipleComponents(object): """ Return iterable to iterate over associated components of a stream. :param stream: Stream with different, possibly many traces. It is split into substreams with the same seed id (only last character i.e. component may vary) :type key: str or None :param key: Additionally, the stream is grouped by the values of the given stats entry to differentiate between e.g. different events (for example key='starttime', key='onset') :type number_components: int, tuple of ints or None :param number_components: Only iterate through substreams with matching number of components. """ def __init__(self, stream, key=None, number_components=None): substreams = collections.defaultdict(stream.__class__) for tr in stream: k = ([:-1], str(tr.stats[key]) if key is not None else None) substreams[k].append(tr) n = number_components self.substreams = [s for _, s in sorted(substreams.items()) if n is None or len(s) == n or (not isinstance(n, int) and len(s) in n)] def __len__(self): return len(self.substreams) def __iter__(self): for s in self.substreams: yield s
[docs] def direct_geodetic(latlon, azi, dist): """ Solve direct geodetic problem with geographiclib. :param tuple latlon: coordinates of first point :param azi: azimuth of direction :param dist: distance in km :return: coordinates (lat, lon) of second point on a WGS84 globe """ from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic coords = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(latlon[0], latlon[1], azi, dist * 1000) return coords['lat2'], coords['lon2']
__CACHE = {}
[docs] def minimal_example_rf(): """ Return receiver functions calculated from the data returned by read_rf(). """ cache_key = 'minimal_example_rf' if cache_key in __CACHE: return __CACHE[cache_key].copy() from rf.rfstream import read_rf, rfstats stream = read_rf() rfstats(stream) stream.filter('bandpass', freqmin=0.5, freqmax=2) stream.trim2(10, 110, reftime='starttime') stream.rf(winsrc=(-5, 25, 5)) stream.moveout() stream.trim2(-10, 80, reftime='onset') stream.ppoints(50) __CACHE[cache_key] = stream return stream.copy()
[docs] def minimal_example_Srf(): """ Return S receiver functions calculated from example data. """ cache_key = 'minimal_example_Srf' if cache_key in __CACHE: return __CACHE[cache_key].copy() from rf.rfstream import read_rf, rfstats fname = resource_filename('rf', 'example/minimal_example_S.tar.gz') stream = read_rf(fname) rfstats(stream, phase='S') stream.filter('bandpass', freqmin=0.2, freqmax=0.5) stream.trim2(10, 120, reftime='starttime') stream.rf(method='S', winsrc=(-5, 15, 5)) stream.moveout(phase='Sp') stream.ppoints(50, pp_phase='P') __CACHE[cache_key] = stream return stream.copy()
@decorator def _add_processing_info(_func_, *args, **kwargs): from rf import __version__ args_ = inspect.getcallargs(_func_, *args, **kwargs) if args_.pop('self', None) is None: args_.pop('stream') kw = args_.pop('kwargs', {}) kw.update(args_) boxes = kw.pop('boxes', None) if boxes: kw['latlon'] = boxes[0]['profile']['latlon'] kw['azimuth'] = boxes[0]['profile']['azimuth'] kw['length'] = boxes[0]['profile']['length'] info = 'rf {version}: {function}(%s)'.format( version=__version__, function=_func_.__name__) arguments = ['%s=%s' % (k, repr(v)) if not isinstance(v, str) else "%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in kw.items()] info = info % '::'.join(sorted(arguments)) stream = _func_(*args, **kwargs) try: for tr in stream: tr._internal_add_processing_info(info) except Exception: pass return stream