Source code for rf.simple_model

# Copyright 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld, MIT license
Simple move out and piercing point calculation.
from math import floor
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
from rf.util import direct_geodetic, DEG2KM


[docs] def load_model(fname='iasp91'): """ Load model from file. :param fname: path to model file or 'iasp91' :return: `SimpleModel` instance The model file should have 4 columns with depth, vp, vs, n. The model file for iasp91 starts like this:: #IASP91 velocity model #depth vp vs n 0.00 5.800 3.360 0 0.00 5.800 3.360 0 10.00 5.800 3.360 4 """ try: return _MODEL_CACHE[fname] except KeyError: pass fname_key = fname if fname == 'iasp91': fname = resource_filename('rf', 'data/iasp91.dat') values = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True) try: z, vp, vs, n = values n = n.astype(int) except ValueError: n = None z, vp, vs = values _MODEL_CACHE[fname_key] = model = SimpleModel(z, vp, vs, n) return model
def _interpolate_n(val, n): vals = [np.linspace(val[i], val[i + 1], n[i + 1] + 1, endpoint=False) for i in range(len(val) - 1)] return np.hstack(vals + [np.array([val[-1]])])
[docs] class SimpleModel(object): """ Simple 1D velocity model for move out and piercing point calculation. :param z: depths in km :param vp: P wave velocities at provided depths in km/s :param vs: S wave velocities at provided depths in km/s :param n: number of support points between provided depths All arguments can be of type numpy.ndarray or list. """ def __init__(self, z, vp, vs, n=None): assert len(z) == len(vp) == len(vs) if n is not None: z = _interpolate_n(z, n) vp = _interpolate_n(vp, n) vs = _interpolate_n(vs, n) self.z = z[:-1] = np.diff(z) self.vp = vp[:-1] self.vs = vs[:-1] self.t_ref = {}
[docs] def calculate_vertical_slowness(self, slowness, phase='PS'): """ Calculate vertical slowness of P and S wave. :param slowness: slowness in s/deg :param phase: Weather to calculate only P, only S or both vertical slownesses :return: vertical slowness of P wave, vertical slowness of S wave at different depths (z attribute of model instance) """ phase = phase.upper() hslow = slowness / DEG2KM # convert to horizontal slowness (s/km) qp, qs = 0, 0 # catch warnings because of negative root # these values will be nan with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): if 'P' in phase: qp = np.sqrt(self.vp ** (-2) - hslow ** 2) if 'S' in phase: qs = np.sqrt(self.vs ** (-2) - hslow ** 2) return qp, qs
[docs] def calculate_delay_times(self, slowness, phase='PS'): """ Calculate delay times between direct wave and converted phase. :param slowness: ray parameter in s/deg :param phase: Converted phase or multiple (e.g. Ps, Pppp) :return: delay times at different depths """ phase = phase.upper() qp, qs = self.calculate_vertical_slowness(slowness, phase=phase) dt = (qp * phase.count('P') + qs * phase.count('S') - 2 * (qp if phase[0] == 'P' else qs)) * return np.cumsum(dt)
[docs] def stretch_delay_times(self, slowness, phase='Ps', ref=6.4): """ Stretch delay times of provided slowness to reference slowness. First, calculate delay times (time between the direct wave and the converted phase or multiples at different depths) for the provided slowness and reference slowness. Secondly, stretch the the delay times of provided slowness to reference slowness. :param slowness: ray parameter in s/deg :param phase: 'Ps', 'Sp' or multiples :param ref: reference ray parameter in s/deg :return: original delay times, delay times stretched to reference slowness """ if len(phase) % 2 == 1: msg = 'Length of phase (%s) should be divisible by two' raise ValueError(msg % phase) phase = phase.upper() try: t_ref = self.t_ref[phase] except KeyError: self.t_ref[phase] = t_ref = self.calculate_delay_times(ref, phase) t = self.calculate_delay_times(slowness, phase) if phase[0] == 'S': t_ref = -t_ref t = -t try: index = np.nonzero(np.isnan(t))[0][0] - 1 except IndexError: index = len(t) t = t[:index] t_ref = t_ref[:index] return (np.hstack((-t[1:10][::-1], t)), np.hstack((-t_ref[1:10][::-1], t_ref)))
[docs] def moveout(self, stream, phase='Ps', ref=6.4): """ In-place moveout correction to reference slowness. :param stream: stream with stats attributes onset and slowness. :param phase: 'Ps', 'Sp', 'Ppss' or other multiples :param ref: reference slowness (ray parameter) in s/deg """ for tr in stream: st = tr.stats if not (st.starttime <= st.onset <= st.endtime): msg = 'onset time is not between starttime and endtime of data' raise ValueError(msg) index0 = int(floor((st.onset - st.starttime) * st.sampling_rate)) t0, t1 = self.stretch_delay_times(st.slowness, phase=phase, ref=ref) S_multiple = phase[0].upper() == 'S' and len(phase) > 3 if S_multiple: time0 = st.starttime - st.onset + index0 * old_data =[:index0][::-1] t = -time0 - np.arange(index0) * new_t = -np.interp(-t, -t0, -t1, left=0, right=0) data = np.interp(-t, -new_t, old_data, left=0., right=0.)[:index0] = data[::-1] else: if t0[-1] > t1[-1]: index0 += 1 time0 = st.starttime - st.onset + index0 * old_data =[index0:] t = time0 + np.arange(len(tr) - index0) * # stretch old times to new times new_t = np.interp(t, t0, t1, left=0, right=None) # interpolate data at new times to data samples data = np.interp(t, new_t, old_data, left=None, right=0.)[index0:] = data return stream
[docs] def ppoint_distance(self, depth, slowness, phase='S'): """ Calculate horizontal distance between piercing point and station. :param depth: depth of interface in km :param slowness: ray parameter in s/deg :param phase: 'P' or 'S' for P wave or S wave. Multiples are possible. :return: horizontal distance in km """ if len(phase) % 2 == 0: msg = 'Length of phase (%s) should be even' raise ValueError(msg % phase) phase = phase.upper() xp, xs = 0., 0. qp, qs = self.calculate_vertical_slowness(slowness, phase=phase) if 'P' in phase: xp = np.cumsum( * slowness / DEG2KM / qp) if 'S' in phase: xs = np.cumsum( * slowness / DEG2KM / qs) x = xp * phase.count('P') + xs * phase.count('S') z = self.z index = np.nonzero(depth < z)[0][0] - 1 return x[index] + ((x[index + 1] - x[index]) * (depth - z[index]) / (z[index + 1] - z[index]))
[docs] def ppoint(self, stats, depth, phase='S'): """ Calculate latitude and longitude of piercing point. Piercing point coordinates and depth are saved in the pp_latitude, pp_longitude and pp_depth entries of the stats object or dictionary. :param stats: Stats object or dictionary with entries slowness, back_azimuth, station_latitude and station_longitude :param depth: depth of interface in km :param phase: 'P' for piercing point of P wave, 'S' for piercing point of S wave. Multiples are possible, too. :return: latitude and longitude of piercing point """ dr = self.ppoint_distance(depth, stats['slowness'], phase=phase) lat = stats['station_latitude'] lon = stats['station_longitude'] az = stats['back_azimuth'] plat, plon = direct_geodetic((lat, lon), az, dr) stats['pp_depth'] = depth stats['pp_latitude'] = plat stats['pp_longitude'] = plon return plat, plon