Source code for rf.rfstream

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld, MIT license
Classes and functions for receiver function calculation.
import json
from operator import itemgetter
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import warnings

import numpy as np
from obspy import read, Stream, Trace
from obspy.core import AttribDict
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from rf.deconvolve import deconvolve
from rf.harmonics import harmonics
from rf.simple_model import load_model
from rf.util import DEG2KM, IterMultipleComponents, _add_processing_info

def __get_event_origin_prop(h):
    def wrapper(event):
            r = (event.preferred_origin() or[0])[h]
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError('No origin')
        if r is None:
            raise ValueError('No origin ' + h)
        if h == 'depth':
            r = r / 1000
        return r
    return wrapper

def __get_event_magnitude(event):
        return (event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0])['mag']
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError('No magnitude')

def __get_event_id(event):
    evid = event.get('resource_id')
    if evid is not None:
        evid = str(evid)
    return evid

def __SAC2UTC(stats, head):
    from import get_sac_reftime
    return get_sac_reftime(stats.sac) + stats[head]

def __UTC2SAC(stats, head):
    from import get_sac_reftime
    return stats[head] - get_sac_reftime(stats.sac)

_STATION_GETTER = (('station_latitude', itemgetter('latitude')),
                   ('station_longitude', itemgetter('longitude')),
                   ('station_elevation', itemgetter('elevation')))
    ('event_latitude', __get_event_origin_prop('latitude')),
    ('event_longitude', __get_event_origin_prop('longitude')),
    ('event_depth', __get_event_origin_prop('depth')),
    ('event_magnitude', __get_event_magnitude),
    ('event_time', __get_event_origin_prop('time')),
    ('event_id', __get_event_id))

# header values which will be written to waveform formats (SAC and Q)
# H5 simply writes all stats entries
_HEADERS = (tuple(zip(*_STATION_GETTER))[0] +
            tuple(zip(*_EVENT_GETTER))[0][:-1] + (  # do not write event_id
            'onset', 'type', 'phase', 'moveout',
            'distance', 'back_azimuth', 'inclination', 'slowness',
            'pp_latitude', 'pp_longitude', 'pp_depth',
            'box_pos', 'box_length'))

# The corresponding header fields in the format
# The following headers can at the moment only be stored for H5:
# slowness_before_moveout, box_lonlat, event_id
_FORMATHEADERS = {'sac': ('stla', 'stlo', 'stel', 'evla', 'evlo',
                          'evdp', 'mag', 'o', 'a',
                          'kuser0', 'kuser1', 'kuser2',
                          'gcarc', 'baz', 'user0', 'user1',
                          'user2', 'user3', 'user4',
                          'user5', 'user6'),
                  # field 'COMMENT' is violated for different information
                  'sh': ('COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT',
                         'LAT', 'LON', 'DEPTH',
                         'MAGNITUDE', 'ORIGIN', 'P-ONSET',
                         'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT',
                         'DISTANCE', 'AZIMUTH', 'INCI', 'SLOWNESS',
                         'COMMENT', 'COMMENT', 'COMMENT',
                         'COMMENT', 'COMMENT')}
_HEADER_CONVERSIONS = {'sac': {'onset': (__SAC2UTC, __UTC2SAC),
                               'event_time': (__SAC2UTC, __UTC2SAC)}}

_TF = '.datetime:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'

_H5INDEX = {
    'rf': ('waveforms/{network}.{station}.{location}/{event_time%s}/' % _TF +
           '{channel}_{starttime%s}_{endtime%s}' % (_TF, _TF)),
    'profile': 'waveforms/{channel[2]}_{box_pos}'

[docs] def read_rf(pathname_or_url=None, format=None, **kwargs): """ Read waveform files into RFStream object. See :func:`` in ObsPy. """ if pathname_or_url is None: # use example file fname = resource_filename('rf', 'example/minimal_example.tar.gz') pathname_or_url = fname format = 'SAC' stream = read(pathname_or_url, format=format, **kwargs) return RFStream(stream)
[docs] class RFStream(Stream): """ Class providing the necessary functions for receiver function calculation. :param traces: list of traces, single trace or stream object To initialize a RFStream from a Stream object use >>> rfstream = RFStream(stream) To initialize a RFStream from a file use >>> rfstream = read_rf('test.SAC') Format specific headers are loaded into the stats object of all traces. """ def __init__(self, traces=None): self.traces = [] if isinstance(traces, Trace): traces = [traces] if traces: for tr in traces: if not isinstance(tr, RFTrace): tr = RFTrace(trace=tr) self.traces.append(tr) def __is_set(self, header): return all(header in tr.stats for tr in self) def __get_unique_header(self, header): values = set(tr.stats[header] for tr in self if header in tr.stats) if len(values) > 1: warnings.warn('Header %s has different values in stream.' % header) if len(values) == 1: return values.pop() @property def type(self): """Property for the type of stream, 'rf', 'profile' or None""" return self.__get_unique_header('type') @type.setter def type(self, value): for tr in self: tr.stats.type = value @property def method(self): """Property for used rf method, 'P' or 'S'""" phase = self.__get_unique_header('phase') if phase is not None: return phase[-1].upper() @method.setter def method(self, value): for tr in self: tr.stats.phase = value
[docs] def write(self, filename, format, sh_compat=False, **kwargs): """ Save stream to file including format specific headers. See `Stream.write() <>` in ObsPy. :param sh_compat: Ensure files in Q format can be read with SeismicHandler (default: False). If set to True the COMMENT field will be deleted which might result in loss of some metadata. (see issue #37). """ if len(self) == 0: return for tr in self: tr._write_format_specific_header(format, sh_compat=sh_compat) if format.upper() == 'Q': tr.stats.station = if format.upper() == 'H5': index = self.type if index is None and 'event_time' in self[0].stats: index = 'rf' if index: import obspyh5 old_index = obspyh5._INDEX obspyh5.set_index(_H5INDEX[index]) super(RFStream, self).write(filename, format, **kwargs) if format.upper() == 'H5' and index: obspyh5.set_index(old_index) if format.upper() == 'Q': for tr in self: tr.stats.station = tr.stats.station.split('.')[1]
[docs] def trim2(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, reftime=None, **kwargs): """ Alternative trim method accepting relative times. See :meth:``. :param starttime,endtime: accept UTCDateTime or seconds relative to reftime :param reftime: reference time, can be an UTCDateTime object or a string. The string will be looked up in the stats dictionary (e.g. 'starttime', 'endtime', 'onset'). """ for tr in self.traces: t1 = tr._seconds2utc(starttime, reftime=reftime) t2 = tr._seconds2utc(endtime, reftime=reftime) tr.trim(t1, t2, **kwargs) self.traces = [_i for _i in self.traces if _i.stats.npts] return self
[docs] def slice2(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, reftime=None, keep_empty_traces=False, **kwargs): """ Alternative slice method accepting relative times. See :meth:`` and `trim2()`. """ traces = [] for tr in self: t1 = tr._seconds2utc(starttime, reftime=reftime) t2 = tr._seconds2utc(endtime, reftime=reftime) sliced_trace = tr.slice(t1, t2, **kwargs) if not keep_empty_traces and not sliced_trace.stats.npts: continue traces.append(sliced_trace) return self.__class__(traces)
[docs] def deconvolve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Deconvolve source component of stream. All args and kwargs are passed to the function `~rf.deconvolve.deconvolve()`. """ rsp = deconvolve(self, *args, **kwargs) self.traces = rsp.traces return self
[docs] @_add_processing_info def rf(self, method=None, filter=None, trim=None, downsample=None, rotate='ZNE->LQT', deconvolve='time', source_components=None, **kwargs): r""" Calculate receiver functions in-place. :param method: 'P' for P receiver functions, 'S' for S receiver functions, if None method will be determined from the phase :param dict filter: filter stream with its `` method and given kwargs :type trim: tuple (start, end) :param trim: trim stream relative to P- or S-onset with `trim2()` (seconds) :param float downsample: downsample stream with its :meth:`` method to the given frequency :type rotate: 'ZNE->LQT' or 'NE->RT' :param rotate: rotate stream with its :meth:`` method with the angles given by the back_azimuth and inclination attributes of the traces stats objects. You can set these to your needs or let them be computed by :func:`~rf.rfstream.rfstats`. :param deconvolve: 'time', 'waterlevel', 'iterative' or 'multitaper' for time domain damped, frequency domain water level, time domain iterative, or frequency domain multitaper deconvolution using the stream's `deconvolve()` method. See `~.deconvolve.deconvolve()`, `.deconv_time()`, `.deconv_waterlevel()`, `.deconv_iterative()`, and `.deconv_multitaper()` for further documentation. :param source_components: parameter is passed to deconvolve. If None, source components will be chosen depending on method. :param \*\*kwargs: all other kwargs not mentioned here are passed to deconvolve After performing the deconvolution the Q/R and T components are multiplied by -1 to get a positive phase for a Moho-like positive velocity contrast. Furthermore for method='S' all components are mirrored at t=0 for a better comparison with P receiver functions. See source code of this function for the default deconvolution windows. """ def iter3c(stream): return IterMultipleComponents(stream, key='onset', number_components=(2, 3)) if method is None: method = self.method if method is None or method not in 'PS': msg = "method must be one of 'P', 'S', but is '%s'" raise ValueError(msg % method) if source_components is None: source_components = 'LZ' if method == 'P' else 'QR' if filter: self.filter(**filter) if trim: self.trim2(*trim, reftime='onset') if downsample: for tr in self: if downsample <= tr.stats.sampling_rate: tr.decimate(int(tr.stats.sampling_rate) // downsample) if rotate: for stream3c in iter3c(self): stream3c.rotate(rotate) # Multiply -1 on Q component, because Q component is pointing # towards the event after the rotation with ObsPy. # For a positive phase at a Moho-like velocity contrast, # the Q component has to point away from the event. # This is not necessary for the R component which points already # away from the event. # (compare issue #4) for tr in self: if'Q'): = if deconvolve: for stream3c in iter3c(self): kwargs.setdefault('winsrc', method) stream3c.deconvolve(method=deconvolve, source_components=source_components, **kwargs) # Mirrow Q/R and T component at 0s for S-receiver method for a better # comparison with P-receiver method (converted Sp wave arrives before # S wave, but converted Ps wave arrives after P wave) if method == 'S': for tr in self: =[::-1] tr.stats.onset = tr.stats.starttime + (tr.stats.endtime - tr.stats.onset) self.type = 'rf' if self.method != method: self.method = method return self
[docs] @_add_processing_info def moveout(self, phase=None, ref=6.4, model='iasp91'): """ In-place moveout correction to a reference slowness. Needs stats attributes slowness and onset. :param phase: 'Ps', 'Sp', 'Ppss' or other multiples, if None is set to 'Ps' for P receiver functions or 'Sp' for S receiver functions :param ref: reference ray parameter in s/deg :param model: Path to model file (see `.SimpleModel`, default: iasp91) """ if phase is None: phase = self.method + {'P': 's', 'S': 'p'}[self.method] model = load_model(model) model.moveout(self, phase=phase, ref=ref) for tr in self: tr.stats.moveout = phase tr.stats.slowness_before_moveout = tr.stats.slowness tr.stats.slowness = ref return self
[docs] def ppoints(self, pp_depth, pp_phase=None, model='iasp91'): """ Return coordinates of piercing point calculated by 1D ray tracing. Piercing point coordinates are stored in the stats attributes plat and plon. Needs stats attributes station_latitude, station_longitude, slowness and back_azimuth. :param pp_depth: depth of interface in km :param pp_phase: 'P' for piercing points of P wave, 'S' for piercing points of S wave or multiples, if None will be set to 'S' for P receiver functions or 'P' for S receiver functions :param model: path to model file (see `.SimpleModel`, default: iasp91) :return: NumPy array with coordinates of piercing points """ if pp_phase is None: pp_phase = {'P': 'S', 'S': 'P'}[self.method] model = load_model(model) for tr in self: model.ppoint(tr.stats, pp_depth, phase=pp_phase) return np.array([(tr.stats.pp_latitude, tr.stats.pp_longitude) for tr in self])
[docs] @_add_processing_info def stack(self): """ Return stack of traces with same seed ids. Traces with same id need to have the same number of datapoints. Each trace in the returned stream will correspond to one unique seed id. """ ids = set( for tr in self) tr = self[0] traces = [] for id in ids: net, sta, loc, cha = id.split('.') data = np.mean([ for tr in self if == id], axis=0) header = {'network': net, 'station': sta, 'location': loc, 'channel': cha, 'sampling_rate': tr.stats.sampling_rate} for entry in ('phase', 'moveout', 'station_latitude', 'station_longitude', 'station_elevation', 'processing'): if entry in tr.stats: header[entry] = tr.stats[entry] tr2 = RFTrace(data=data, header=header) if 'onset' in tr.stats: onset = tr.stats.onset - tr.stats.starttime tr2.stats.onset = tr2.stats.starttime + onset traces.append(tr2) return self.__class__(traces)
[docs] def harmonics(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Perform harmonic decomposition on stream. All args and kwargs are passed to the function `~rf.harmonics.harmonics()`. """ hd = harmonics(self, *args, **kwargs) return hd
[docs] def profile(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return profile of receiver functions in the stream. See `.profile.profile()` for help on arguments. """ from rf.profile import profile return profile(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_rf(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create receiver function plot. See `.imaging.plot_rf()` for help on arguments. """ from rf.imaging import plot_rf return plot_rf(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_profile(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create receiver function profile plot. See `.imaging.plot_profile()` for help on arguments. """ from rf.imaging import plot_profile return plot_profile(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class RFTrace(Trace): """ Class providing the Trace object for receiver function calculation. """ def __init__(self, data=np.array([]), header=None, trace=None): if header is None: header = {} if trace is not None: data = header = trace.stats super(RFTrace, self).__init__(data=data, header=header) st = self.stats if ('_format'in st and st._format.upper() == 'Q' and st.station.count('.') > 1):, st.station, st.location = st.station.split('.')[:3] self._read_format_specific_header() def __str__(self, id_length=None): if 'onset' not in self.stats: return super(RFTrace, self).__str__(id_length=id_length) out = [] type_ = self.stats.get('type') if type_ is not None: m = self.stats.get('phase') m = m[-1].upper() if m is not None else '' o1 = m + 'rf' if type_ != 'rf': o1 = o1 + ' ' + type_ if'...'): o1 = o1 + ' (%s)' %[-1] else: o1 = o1 + ' ' + else: o1 = out.append(o1) t1 = self.stats.starttime - self.stats.onset t2 = self.stats.endtime - self.stats.onset o2 = '%.1fs - %.1fs' % (t1, t2) if self.stats.starttime.timestamp != 0: o2 = o2 + ' onset:%s' % self.stats.onset out.append(o2) out.append('{sampling_rate} Hz, {npts} samples') o3 = [] if 'event_magnitude' in self.stats: o3.append('mag:{event_magnitude:.1f}') if 'distance' in self.stats: o3.append('dist:{distance:.1f}') if'back_azimuth' in self.stats: o3.append('baz:{back_azimuth:.1f}') if 'box_pos' in self.stats: o3.append('pos:{box_pos:.2f}km') if 'slowness' in self.stats: o3.append('slow:{slowness:.2f}') if 'moveout' in self.stats: o3.append('({moveout} moveout)') if o3.append('(masked)') out.append(' '.join(o3)) return ' | '.join(out).format(**self.stats) def _read_format_specific_header(self, format=None): st = self.stats if format is None: if '_format' not in st: return format = st._format format = format.lower() if format == 'q': format = 'sh' try: header_map = zip(_HEADERS, _FORMATHEADERS[format]) except KeyError: # file format is H5 or not supported return for head, head_format in header_map: try: value = st[format][head_format] except KeyError: continue else: if format == 'sac' and '-12345' in str(value): pass elif format == 'sh' and head_format == 'COMMENT': try: st.update(json.loads(value)) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass continue else: st[head] = value try: convert = _HEADER_CONVERSIONS[format][head][0] st[head] = convert(st, head) except KeyError: pass def _write_format_specific_header(self, format, sh_compat=False): st = self.stats format = format.lower() if format == 'q': format = 'sh' elif format == 'sac': # make sure SAC reference time is set from import obspy_to_sac_header self.stats.sac = obspy_to_sac_header(self.stats) try: header_map = zip(_HEADERS, _FORMATHEADERS[format]) except KeyError: # file format is H5 or not supported return if format not in st: st[format] = AttribDict({}) if format == 'sh': comment = {} for head, head_format in header_map: if format == 'sh' and head_format == 'COMMENT': try: comment[head] = st[head] except KeyError: pass continue try: val = st[head] except KeyError: continue try: convert = _HEADER_CONVERSIONS[format][head][1] val = convert(st, head) except KeyError: pass st[format][head_format] = val if format == 'sh': if sh_compat: st[format].pop('COMMENT', None) elif len(comment) > 0: def default(obj): # convert numpy types return np.asarray(obj).item() st[format]['COMMENT'] = json.dumps( comment, separators=(',', ':'), default=default) def _seconds2utc(self, seconds, reftime=None): """Return UTCDateTime given as seconds relative to reftime""" from import Iterable from obspy import UTCDateTime as UTC if isinstance(seconds, Iterable): return [self._seconds2utc(s, reftime=reftime) for s in seconds] if isinstance(seconds, UTC) or reftime is None or seconds is None: return seconds if not isinstance(reftime, UTC): reftime = self.stats[reftime] return reftime + seconds
[docs] def write(self, filename, format, **kwargs): """ Save current trace into a file including format specific headers. See `Trace.write() <obspy.core.trace.Trace.write>` in ObsPy. """ RFStream([self]).write(filename, format, **kwargs)
[docs] def obj2stats(event=None, station=None): """ Map event and station object to stats with attributes. :param event: ObsPy `~obspy.core.event.event.Event` object :param station: station object with attributes latitude, longitude and elevation :return: ``stats`` object with station and event attributes """ stats = AttribDict({}) if event is not None: for key, getter in _EVENT_GETTER: stats[key] = getter(event) if station is not None: for key, getter in _STATION_GETTER: stats[key] = getter(station) return stats
[docs] def rfstats(obj=None, event=None, station=None, phase='P', dist_range='default', tt_model='iasp91', pp_depth=None, pp_phase=None, model='iasp91'): """ Calculate ray specific values like slowness for given event and station. :param obj: `~obspy.core.trace.Stats` object with event and/or station attributes. Can be None if both event and station are given. It is possible to specify a stream object, too. Then, rfstats will be called for each Trace.stats object and traces outside dist_range will be discarded. :param event: ObsPy `~obspy.core.event.event.Event` object :param station: dictionary like object with items latitude, longitude and elevation :param phase: string with phase. Usually this will be 'P' or 'S' for P and S receiver functions, respectively. :type dist_range: tuple of length 2 :param dist_range: if epicentral of event is not in this intervall, None is returned by this function,\n if phase == 'P' defaults to (30, 90),\n if phase == 'S' defaults to (50, 85) :param tt_model: model for travel time calculation. (see the `obspy.taup` module, default: iasp91) :param pp_depth: Depth for piercing point calculation (in km, default: None -> No calculation) :param pp_phase: Phase for pp calculation (default: 'S' for P-receiver function and 'P' for S-receiver function) :param model: Path to model file for pp calculation (see `.SimpleModel`, default: iasp91) :return: `~obspy.core.trace.Stats` object with event and station attributes, distance, back_azimuth, inclination, onset and slowness or None if epicentral distance is not in the given interval. Stream instance if stream was specified instead of stats. """ if isinstance(obj, (Stream, RFStream)): stream = obj kwargs = {'event': event, 'station': station, 'phase': phase, 'dist_range': dist_range, 'tt_model': tt_model, 'pp_depth': pp_depth, 'pp_phase': pp_phase, 'model': model} traces = [] for tr in stream: if rfstats(tr.stats, **kwargs) is not None: traces.append(tr) stream.traces = traces return stream if dist_range == 'default' and phase.upper() in 'PS': dist_range = (30, 90) if phase.upper() == 'P' else (50, 85) elif dist_range == 'default': raise ValueError('Please specify dist_range parameter') stats = AttribDict({}) if obj is None else obj if event is not None and station is not None: stats.update(obj2stats(event=event, station=station)) dist, baz, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(stats.station_latitude, stats.station_longitude, stats.event_latitude, stats.event_longitude) dist = dist / 1000 / DEG2KM if dist_range and not dist_range[0] <= dist <= dist_range[1]: return tt_model = TauPyModel(model=tt_model) arrivals = tt_model.get_travel_times(stats.event_depth, dist, (phase,)) if len(arrivals) == 0: raise Exception('TauPy does not return phase %s at distance %s' % (phase, dist)) if len(arrivals) > 1: msg = ('TauPy returns more than one arrival for phase %s at ' 'distance %s -> take first arrival') warnings.warn(msg % (phase, dist)) arrival = arrivals[0] onset = stats.event_time + arrival.time inc = arrival.incident_angle slowness = arrival.ray_param_sec_degree stats.update({'distance': dist, 'back_azimuth': baz, 'inclination': inc, 'onset': onset, 'slowness': slowness, 'phase': phase}) if pp_depth is not None: model = load_model(model) if pp_phase is None: pp_phase = 'S' if phase.upper().endswith('P') else 'P' model.ppoint(stats, pp_depth, phase=pp_phase) return stats