# Copyright 2013-2019 Tom Eulenfeld, MIT license
rf: receiver function calculation - batch command line utility
import argparse
from argparse import SUPPRESS
from importlib import import_module
import json
import os
from os.path import join
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import shutil
import sys
import numpy as np
import obspy
from rf.rfstream import read_rf
from rf.util import iter_event_data, iter_event_metadata
from tqdm import tqdm
except ImportError:
def tqdm():
return None
except NameError:
basestring = str
IS_PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
_TF = '.datetime:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
'Q': join('{root}', '{network}.{station}.{location}',
'{network}.{station}.{location}_{event_time%s}.QHD' % _TF),
'SAC': join('{root}', '{network}.{station}.{location}',
'{event_time%s}.SAC' % _TF),
'H5': '{root}.h5'}
'Q': join('{root}', '{network}.{station}.{location}.QHD'),
'SAC': join('{root}', '{network}.{station}.{location}.{channel}.SAC'),
'H5': '{root}.h5'}
'Q': '{root}.QHD',
'SAC': join('{root}', 'profile_{channel[2]}_{box_pos}.SAC'),
'H5': '{root}.h5'}
PLOT_FNAMES = join('{root}', '{network}.{station}.{location}.{channel}.pdf')
PLOT_PROFILE_FNAMES = join('{root}', 'profile_{channel[2]}.pdf')
class _DummyDateTime(object):
def __format__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return '*'
class _DummyUTC(object):
"""Dummy UTCDateTime class returning '*' when formatting."""
def __init__(self):
self.datetime = _DummyDateTime()
def _create_dir(filename):
Create directory of filname if it does not exist.
head = os.path.dirname(filename)
if head != '' and not os.path.isdir(head):
def write(stream, root, format, type=None):
"""Write stream to one or more files depending on format."""
format = format.upper()
if len(stream) == 0:
fname_pattern = (STACK_FNAMES if type == 'stack' else
PROFILE_FNAMES if type == 'profile' else
fname = fname_pattern.format(root=root, **stream[0].stats)
if format == 'H5':
stream.write(fname, format, mode='a', ignore=('mseed',))
elif format == 'Q':
stream.write(fname, format)
elif format == 'SAC':
for tr in stream:
fname = fname_pattern.format(root=root, **tr.stats)
tr.write(fname, format)
def iter_event_processed_data(events, inventory, pin, format,
yield_traces=False, pbar=None):
"""Iterator yielding streams or traces which are read from disc."""
for meta in iter_event_metadata(events, inventory, pbar=pbar):
meta['channel'] = '???'
if 'event_time' not in meta and format != 'H5':
meta['event_time'] = _DummyUTC()
fname = FNAMES[format].format(root=pin, **meta)
kwargs = {}
if format == 'H5':
kwargs['readonly'] = meta
stream = read_rf(fname, format, **kwargs)
except Exception:
if yield_traces:
for tr in stream:
yield tr
yield stream
def _iter_profile(pin, format):
fname = PROFILE_FNAMES[format].format(root=pin, box_pos='*', channel='???')
yield read_rf(fname)
def load_func(modulename, funcname):
"""Load and return function from Python module."""
module = import_module(modulename)
func = getattr(module, funcname)
return func
def init_data(data, client_options=None, plugin=None):
"""Return appropriate get_waveforms function.
See example configuration file for a description of the options."""
if client_options is None:
client_options = {}
client_module = import_module('obspy.clients.%s' % data)
except ImportError:
client_module = None
if client_module:
Client = getattr(client_module, 'Client')
client = Client(**client_options)
def get_waveforms(event=None, **args):
return client.get_waveforms(**args)
elif data == 'plugin':
modulename, funcname = plugin.split(':')
get_waveforms = load_func(modulename.strip(), funcname.strip())
from obspy import read
stream = read(data)
def get_waveforms(network, station, location, channel,
starttime, endtime, event=None):
st = stream.select(network=network, station=station,
location=location, channel=channel)
st = st.slice(starttime, endtime)
return st
def wrapper(**kwargs):
return get_waveforms(**kwargs)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
except Exception as ex:
seedid = '.'.join((kwargs['network'], kwargs['station'],
kwargs['location'], kwargs['channel']))
msg = 'channel %s: error while retrieving data: %s'
print(msg % (seedid, ex))
return wrapper
class ConfigJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
"""Strip lines from comments."""
def decode(self, s):
s = '\n'.join(l.split('#', 1)[0] for l in s.split('\n'))
return super(ConfigJSONDecoder, self).decode(s)
class ParseError(Exception):
def run(command, conf=None, tutorial=False, **kw):
"""Create example configuration file and tutorial or load config.
After that call `run_commands`.
if command == 'create':
if conf is None:
conf = 'conf.json'
srcs = ['conf.json']
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(conf)
dests = [conf]
if tutorial:
example_files = ['example_events.xml', 'example_inventory.xml',
for src in example_files:
dests.append(os.path.join(dest_dir, src))
for src, dest in zip(srcs, dests):
src = resource_filename('rf', 'example/%s' % src)
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
# Load configuration
if conf in ('None', 'none', 'null', ''):
conf = None
if conf and (command != 'print' or
kw.get('objects', [''])[0] in ('stations', 'events')):
with open(conf) as f:
conf = json.load(f, cls=ConfigJSONDecoder)
except ValueError as ex:
print('Error while parsing the configuration: %s' % ex)
except IOError as ex:
# Populate kwargs with conf, but prefer kwargs
kw = conf
run_commands(command, **kw)
DICT_OPTIONS = ['client_options', 'options', 'rf', 'moveout',
'boxbins', 'boxes', 'profile', 'plot', 'plot_profile']
def run_commands(command, commands=(), events=None, inventory=None,
objects=None, get_waveforms=None, data=None, plugin=None,
phase=None, moveout_phase=None,
path_in=None, path_out=None, format='Q',
newformat=None, **kw):
"""Load files, apply commands and write result files."""
for opt in kw:
if opt not in DICT_OPTIONS:
raise ParseError('Unknown config option: %s' % opt)
for opt in DICT_OPTIONS:
default = None if opt == 'boxbins' else {}
d = kw.setdefault(opt, default)
if isinstance(d, basestring):
kw[opt] = json.loads(d)
if phase is not None:
kw['options']['phase'] = phase
if moveout_phase is not None:
kw['moveout']['phase'] = moveout_phase
if kw['boxbins'] is not None:
kw['boxes']['bins'] = np.linspace(*kw['boxbins'])
if command == 'calc':
assert len(commands) < 3
if len(commands) == 2:
assert commands[0] != commands[1]
elif command == 'calc':
assert len(commands) < 2
except Exception:
raise ParseError('calc or moveout command given more than once')
# Read events and inventory
if command in ('stack', 'plot'):
events = None
elif command != 'print' or objects[0] == 'events':
if (not isinstance(events, obspy.Catalog) or
not isinstance(events, list) or
(len(events) == 2 and isinstance(events[0], basestring))):
if isinstance(events, basestring):
format_ = None
events, format_ = events
events = obspy.read_events(events, format_)
if command != 'print' or objects[0] == 'stations':
if not isinstance(inventory, obspy.Inventory):
if isinstance(inventory, basestring):
format_ = None
inventory, format_ = inventory
inventory = obspy.read_inventory(inventory, format_)
except Exception:
print('cannot read events or stations')
# Initialize get_waveforms
if command == 'data':
# Initialize get_waveforms
if get_waveforms is None:
get_waveforms = init_data(
data, client_options=kw['client_options'], plugin=plugin)
except Exception:
print('cannot initalize data')
# Print command
if command == 'print':
if objects[0] == 'events':
elif objects[0] == 'stations':
from rf.rfstream import RFStream
stream = sum((read_rf(fname) for fname in objects), RFStream())
# Select appropriate iterator
if command == 'data':
iter_ = iter_event_data(events, inventory, get_waveforms, pbar=tqdm(),
elif command == 'plot-profile':
iter_ = _iter_profile(path_in, format)
yt = command == 'profile'
iter_ = iter_event_processed_data(
events, inventory, path_in, format, pbar=tqdm(), yield_traces=yt)
# Run all commands
if command == 'convert':
for stream in iter_:
write(stream, path_out, newformat)
elif command == 'plot':
for stream in iter_:
channels = set(tr.stats.channel for tr in stream)
for ch in channels:
st2 = stream.select(channel=ch)
fname = PLOT_FNAMES.format(root=path_out, **st2[0].stats)
st2.plot_rf(fname, **kw['plot'])
elif command == 'plot-profile':
for stream in iter_:
channels = set(tr.stats.channel for tr in stream)
for ch in channels:
st2 = stream.select(channel=ch)
fname = PLOT_PROFILE_FNAMES.format(root=path_out,
st2.plot_profile(fname, **kw['plot_profile'])
elif command == 'stack':
for stream in iter_:
stack = stream.stack()
write(stack, path_out, format, type='stack')
elif command == 'profile':
from rf.profile import get_profile_boxes, profile
boxx = get_profile_boxes(**kw['boxes'])
prof = profile(iter_, boxx, **kw['profile'])
write(prof, path_out, format, type='profile')
commands = [command] + list(commands)
for stream in iter_:
for command in commands:
if command == 'data':
elif command == 'calc':
elif command == 'moveout':
raise NotImplementedError
write(stream, path_out, format)
def run_cli(args=None):
"""Command line interface of rf.
After parsing call `run`.
from rf import __version__
msg = ('*Note*: The command line tool is rather low priority in the '
'development. It might also be depreciated in the future.')
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, epilog=msg)
version = '%(prog)s ' + __version__
p.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=version)
msg = 'Configuration file to load (default: conf.json)'
p.add_argument('-c', '--conf', default='conf.json', help=msg)
sub = p.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='command')
msg = 'create config file in current directory'
p_create = sub.add_parser('create', help=msg)
msg = 'retrieve data for further processing'
p_data = sub.add_parser('data', help=msg)
msg = 'calculate receiver functions'
p_calc = sub.add_parser('calc', help=msg)
msg = 'perform move out correction'
p_mout = sub.add_parser('moveout', help=msg)
msg = 'stack receiver functions'
p_stack = sub.add_parser('stack', help=msg)
msg = 'stack receiver functions to profile'
p_profile = sub.add_parser('profile', help=msg)
msg = 'convert files to different format'
p_conv = sub.add_parser('convert', help=msg)
msg = 'print information about events, stations or waveform files'
p_print = sub.add_parser('print', help=msg)
msg = 'plot receiver functions'
p_plot = sub.add_parser('plot', help=msg)
msg = 'plot receiver function profile'
p_plotp = sub.add_parser('plot-profile', help=msg)
msg = 'create example files for tutorial'
p_create.add_argument('-t', '--tutorial', help=msg, action='store_true')
# the default='moveout' is an ugly work-around for
# http://bugs.python.org/issue27227 and related issue9625
msg = 'calculate receiver functions, perform moveout correction, optional'
p_data.add_argument('commands', nargs='*', help=msg,
choices=('calc', 'moveout'), default='moveout')
msg = 'perform also moveout correction'
p_calc.add_argument('commands', nargs='*', help=msg,
choices=('moveout',), default='moveout')
msg = "one of 'events', 'inventory' or filenames"
p_print.add_argument('objects', nargs='+', help=msg)
io = [p_calc, p_mout, p_conv, p_plot, p_stack, p_profile, p_plotp]
for pp in io:
msg = 'directory of files (SAC, Q) or basename of file (H5)'
pp.add_argument('path_in', help=msg)
for pp in io:
msg = 'output directory or output file basename'
pp.add_argument('path_out', help=msg)
msg = 'new format (supported: Q, SAC or H5)'
p_conv.add_argument('newformat', help=msg)
msg = ('Use these flags to overwrite values in the config file. '
'See the example configuration file for a description of '
'these options.')
g2 = p.add_argument_group('optional config arguments', description=msg)
features_str = ('events', 'inventory', 'data', 'phase',
'moveout-phase', 'format')
for f in features_str:
g2.add_argument('--' + f, default=SUPPRESS)
for f in DICT_OPTIONS:
g2.add_argument('--' + f.replace('_', '-'), default=SUPPRESS)
# Get command line arguments and start run
args = vars(p.parse_args(args))
# second part of the uggly work-around for argparse issue27227
if args.get('commands') == 'moveout':
args['commands'] = []
except ParseError as ex: